Sunday, December 22, 2013

Supermarket goes grimy this Christmas

If you're a window van insurance holder, you won't be pleased with the news emanating from supermarket chain Morrisons recently – apparently the company has decided against having any store windows cleaned over the winter period, according to documents seen by The Telegraph.
Citing "financial constraints" and "an increase in snow and frost" the supermarket has said that no windows will be cleaned until February 2, which represents the end of the financial year for the supermarket.

Thankfully, Morrisons is alone in embracing grimy windows, because if they weren't then it certainly would be a tough winter for the nation's window van insurance holders – no work for the winter really would mean "financial constraints".

But then, maybe the supermarket doesn't know what it is missing out on – not only crystal clean windows. Take for example, the recent case of two window van insurance holders who dressed up as Father Christmas. This was then followed by an elfin assistant climbing out of their Citroen van and then down the windows of a children's hospital. Maybe in seeking to cut costs, Morrison has deprived itself of similar magical surprises.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Cat stows away on van driver's vehicle

A woman's van insurance holder must have been quite taken aback recently after discovering that a stowaway had managed to make its way onto her vehicle. However, this uninvited guest was probably more terrified than she was.

Kick, a black and white cat aptly named after a kid's television show where the lead character is determined to become a renowned daredevil, somehow managed to climb onto the driver's vehicle while it was stationary and then held onto the roof rack when it started moving.
According to reports, the van insurance policyholder only realised something was amiss when other motorists started flashing their lights. However, when she discovered Kick, she had already been travelling on the motorway for 22 miles – sometimes at speeds of 70mph.

After removing him from the roof rack, the van driver took Kick to a vet to make sure he was alright. Fortunately, he was given a clean bill of health and has since been reunited with his owners.
I wonder what he was doing on top of that van in the first place...perhaps he was intending to go on the purrfect journey or simply trying to live up to his namesake and be remembered as a daredevil. Still, he's lucky this incident didn't end in catastrophe...

Photo © Highways Agency via Flickr under Creative Commons Licence

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